\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}] [REDACTED] friends of /japan/ \PYZhy{}owned\PYZhy{} https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/index.html (You) are here [REDACTED] (but should go here :DDDD) https://anon.cafe/k/ https://8chan.moe/bane/ https://8chan.moe/tikilounge/ https://tvch.moe/bane/ (idk why, tread carefully) \PYZhy{}webring\PYZhy{} https://zzzchan.xyz/2hu/index.html https://prolikewoah.com/animu/ https://sportschan.org/sp/index.html https://anon.cafe/icup/ \PYZhy{}external\PYZhy{} https://ota\PYZhy{}ch.com/jp (gateway to the /jp/ superhighway) https://merorin.com/jp (banned me 1 time as a joke) https://gnfos.com/jp (banned me 3 times) https://kissu.moe/qa (banned me 20 times www) https://kakashinenpo.com/jp (under new management) https://secretareaofvipquality.org (\PYZdl{}3.60 is now enough) https://gyate.net (tf2hu funposters) https://bantculture.com/bant/ (the tf2hu funposters\PYZsq{} SECRET board) It\PYZsq{}s an open secret that I maintain a line of contact with all the admins so if you NEED to reach them but don\PYZsq{}t know how you may be able to do so through me. \end{Verbatim}