\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}] Windows 7 Useful Links Compendium v1.3 As of 25/02/2023 by: evening primrose 1 \PYZhy{} Windows 7 x64 pro iso (directly from microsoft): https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/6/3/06365375\PYZhy{}C346\PYZhy{}4D65\PYZhy{}87C7\PYZhy{}EE41F55F736B/7601.24214.180801\PYZhy{}1700.win7sp1\PYZus{}ldr\PYZus{}escrow\PYZus{}CLIENT\PYZus{}PROFESSIONAL\PYZus{}x64FRE\PYZus{}en\PYZhy{}us.iso 2 \PYZhy{} Install Windows 7 on newer x570 amd cpus (and others): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNlf2Qdy8bE 3 \PYZhy{} Windows 7 Survival Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/windows7/comments/id5kbo/windows\PYZus{}7\PYZus{}survival\PYZus{}guide/ 4 \PYZhy{} Windows 7/8.1 drivers for usb 3.0/3.1 for new amd chipset: https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/solution\PYZhy{}win7\PYZhy{}8\PYZhy{}1\PYZhy{}drivers\PYZhy{}for\PYZhy{}usb\PYZhy{}3\PYZhy{}0\PYZhy{}3\PYZhy{}1\PYZhy{}controllers\PYZhy{}of\PYZhy{}new\PYZhy{}amd\PYZhy{}chipset\PYZhy{}systems/33603 5 \PYZhy{} Run Windows 8+ applications on Windows 7 (Project): https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex 6 \PYZhy{} mydigitallife thread regarding usb 3.0: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/usb\PYZhy{}3\PYZhy{}xhci\PYZhy{}driver\PYZhy{}stack\PYZhy{}for\PYZhy{}windows\PYZhy{}7.81934/page\PYZhy{}5 7 \PYZhy{} Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate: https://archive.org/details/en\PYZus{}vs\PYZus{}2010\PYZus{}ult 8 \PYZhy{} Regarding usb 3.0: it\PYZsq{}s way easier and safer to buy a ps2 mouse and/or keyboard to install the drivers than flashing your win7 installation iso. 9 \PYZhy{} Regarding the iso: Other safe isos are available in https://archive.org/search?query=windows+7+iso and https://www.heidoc.net/joomla/technology\PYZhy{}science/microsoft/67\PYZhy{}microsoft\PYZhy{}windows\PYZhy{}and\PYZhy{}office\PYZhy{}iso\PYZhy{}download\PYZhy{}tool but I recommend using the official microsoft one. 10 \PYZhy{} 4fun: Nanami Madobe Theme https://archive.org/details/NanamiMadobeTheme \PYZhy{} https://archive.org/details/eng\PYZhy{}subbed\PYZhy{}windows\PYZhy{}7\PYZhy{}madobe\PYZhy{}nanami\PYZhy{}commercial 11 \PYZhy{} You\PYZsq{}ll need a PS/2 mouse to install windows 7 on recent hardware. USB 2.0 ports might not work in the case they rely on an USB 3.0 controller. 12 \PYZhy{} Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus: https://www.microsoft.com/en\PYZhy{}us/download/details.aspx?id=5201 13 \PYZhy{} Custom Qt 6.3.1 DLLs for W7: https://web.tresorit.com/l/iWnTl\PYZsh{}yGMg45iqZObF8miEZt7FaA 14 \PYZhy{} CFF Explorer: https://ntcore.com/files/CFF\PYZus{}Explorer.zip \PYZsh{}Previous 2 links found on this thread: https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex/issues/56, https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex/issues/56\PYZsh{}issuecomment\PYZhy{}1408453974 (how to use OBS 29 on Win7) 15 \PYZhy{} windows 10 api on windows 7: https://github.com/nalexandru/api\PYZhy{}ms\PYZhy{}win\PYZhy{}core\PYZhy{}path\PYZhy{}HACK/releases 16 \PYZhy{} with the link above you can make blender 2.9.13 LTS work. download it at: https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2\PYZhy{}93/ 17 \PYZhy{} take a look at this thread (da vinci resolve 18 possible workaround): https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex/issues/61 Aegisub works up to ver. 68.0.0, handbrake 1.3.3, blender 2.9.13, chromium 108.0.5359.125, vscodium 1.75.1, mullvad 2021.6 (this version do not support wireguard), da vinci resolve 16.2.8 (link: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/support/download/0221c32a73844413bc0b1ec35686a4d3/Windows) Always save web pages and download useful software like those to prevent stuff from getting offline. I recommend using windows 7 as a \PYZdq{}windows emulator\PYZdq{} for games which often don\PYZsq{}t work very well on VM\PYZsq{}s. Pretty much all applications the average user needs are available on linux these days, either as official packages or at flathub. Use a non\PYZhy{}systemd XFCE distro \PYZhy{} my recommendation is Salix OS. If you are on (debloated) Windows 10, I don\PYZsq{}t believe windows 7 will grant you better performance \PYZhy{} provided you run it on modern hardware. That said, It\PYZsq{}s impressive how factory install windows 7 has less than 10 processes running on the background. \end{Verbatim}