\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}] \PY{k}{***}\PY{l+s}{* }\PY{c}{BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Mar 29 22:44:20 2021} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:20 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}\PYZgt{} }\PY{l+s}{You }\PY{c}{are now talking on \PYZsh{}qa} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:20 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{Topic for \PYZsh{}qa is nnaa\PYZti{} https://files.catbox.moe/m4th2p.jpg | https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88798275 |ヽ(∀° )人( °∀)ノ| https://files.catbox.moe/38hzbn.jpg | charm\PYZti{}} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:20 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{Topic for \PYZsh{}qa set by Anonymous at Mon Mar 29 16:14:18 2021} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:29 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{50\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 51\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:29 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{51\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 50\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:32 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }guess i\PYZsq{}m still a teenbro... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i wanted to stop being a teenbro but i went back to those ways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:49 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }how \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:44:52 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{50\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 49\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:02 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }How do I become a teenbro \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and is it reversible? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you use sageru IRC regularly \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:16 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }then you become a chronic teenbro \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:31 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s something you are or aren\PYZsq{}t \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }can\PYZsq{}t change \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }How can you tell? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:45:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you just can \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:46:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }if you can\PYZsq{}t tell is being a teenbro even real \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:46:26 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{49\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 48\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:46:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i don\PYZsq{}t want to be a teenbro anymore \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:46:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i just want to be happy \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:46:49 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }maybe the teenbro is the friends we made along the way \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:46:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you sound self\PYZhy{}aware enough to be out of it \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:46:59 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }ok now go back to your zgag channel \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:47:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }shoo off \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:47:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }don\PYZsq{}t think that\PYZsq{}s related \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:47:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }almost said something worse... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:47:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }go back refers to which message? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:49:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }none of whatever happened today would have happened if N*nachi was not being removed from the topic... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:49:58 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }bleh \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:50:08 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{48\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:50:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }oh \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:50:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }welp anyways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:51:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }sageru irc will soom become deprecated \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:51:43 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nope \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:51:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what will replace it? dunno \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:51:53 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }discord \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:52:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }oh yeah \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:52:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }there\PYZsq{}s a discord bridge to \PYZsh{}jp \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:52:15 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i think \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:52:27 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:52:41 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:52:58 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what is zgag \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }zgag is 8gag 2.0 \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }zzzchan? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yeah \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:26 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s easier to type zgag \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:31 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }isn\PYZsq{}t 8ch.moe 8gag 2.0? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:36 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s just /v/gag \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }im a teenbro and i hate 8gag \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:46 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nobody else is on /v/gag other than /v/ \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:53:57 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and mark \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:54:02 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }some mafia man \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:54:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }isn\PYZsq{}t zgag also vgag? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:54:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yes \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:54:32 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }but they\PYZsq{}re too busy infighting \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:54:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }board wars \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:54:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I wish I could talk about videogames \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:55:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }but there aren\PYZsq{}t any worth playing \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:55:05 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I AM MORE PURER THAN CAKE \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:55:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that is what is happening at zgag /v/ \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:55:20 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }The last decade has been awful \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:56:16 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what else does it have other than that fake /jp/ spinoff and whatever /b/ that is? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:56:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nothing else \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:56:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }NOTHIGN ELSE \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:56:28 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }the other boards are dead \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:56:29 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what are some /qa/ approved games \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:57:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i\PYZsq{}d kill myself if i was the /vhs/BO \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:57:49 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }let me see why you think so... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:58:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }huh? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:59:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }point is, your 8gag spinoff is a graveyard kiddo \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:59:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }so are any other imageboards \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 22:59:24 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no exceptions \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:00:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }think im gonna stick to kissu for a while \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:00:09 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}qa is reclining \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:00:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }imageboards are a dead medium unless you like wojaks and pepes and the latest FADs \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:00:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what medium is even alive today \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:00:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }good question \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:00:59 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }twitter \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }micro communities \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:09 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i have a hard time believing that \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }start a subreddit \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }or IM communities \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }real life \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }real friends \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:26 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nah \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }play video games \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:33 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s time to go to Rizon, kiddo \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }videogames are pretty fun \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }depends on the videogame \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:53 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }step out of the shadows of sageru \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:01:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }most of my online games are dead now \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:02:04 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and come join the fun at irc.rizon.net \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:02:33 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what do you want? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:02:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }surely there must be a good channel there right? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:02:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}4chan \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:02:49 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }bleh \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:02:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}4chan sucks \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:02:59 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what makes a channel good \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:03:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }quality discussions that happpen a little more often \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:03:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you just want instant feedback to what you say \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:03:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }quality is optional \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:04:05 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }oh wait i forgot \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:04:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }quality can be part of instant feedback \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:04:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }the zgag teens have their own discord secret club \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:04:31 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }they party there \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:04:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }more exchanges mean more opportunities to incrementally refine something \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:04:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s hard to play videogames through imageboards \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:04:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and shit on other places \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:05:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }why is it that irc networks don\PYZsq{}t allow several users to have the same nick? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:05:02 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }they shit and shit on \PYZsh{}qa \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:05:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }just use a blockchain peer to peer instant messanger for that \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:05:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that\PYZsq{}s how the IRC protocol works \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:05:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }is it? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:06:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }ordinarily, nicks should be for display \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:06:09 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i have my secret clubs \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:06:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }they won\PYZsq{}t fall \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:06:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }they will never fall to the vile sageru/zgag teens \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:06:26 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s username@host that authentication and banning and stuff normally works on \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:06:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what\PYZsq{}s the medium of your secret club \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:02 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that is a secret too \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}fission\PYZgt{} tfw you have an itch in ur butt crack but ur fart scratches it so you dont have to move \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}mango\PYZgt{} did you need to share that with us \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}fission\PYZgt{} please keep this information private \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}mango\PYZgt{} I alreadyposted to /qa/ \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}fission\PYZgt{} then all is truly lost \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:13 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }oh, but the full username isn\PYZsq{}t served with each message clients receive though, is it \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }is that \PYZsh{}4chan \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:35 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }guess it\PYZsq{}s really true that the staff loves /qa/ to be their own playground of reverence \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }who is fission? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i never have an itch in my butt crack \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }he\PYZsq{}s the 4/g/ head mod \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:07:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }how do you optain itchy butt \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:08:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }he\PYZsq{}s mysterious \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:08:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what are some /qa/ approved games \PYZlt{} infinite space for the ds \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:08:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }my buttcrack gets itchy all the time \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:08:29 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s the accumula of underwear fabric and dead skin \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:09:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i just clean it with water after every use and then reapply a moisture barrier. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:09:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }anyways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:09:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }secret clubs will survive \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:09:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }while anonymous communities will crash and burn \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:10:05 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }blah blah blah whatever \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:10:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }is the guy repeating the sageru is being depreciated serious???? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:10:22 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s going to be once i leave \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:10:28 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }okay, then leave \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:10:47 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }why do you want it to be depreciated \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:10:58 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yeah i\PYZsq{}m serious \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:11:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i want to see if it would really become depreciated, now leave \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:11:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what if the effect will only be visible in a few years \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:11:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }then it doesn\PYZsq{}t matter and you\PYZsq{}re bluffing \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:12:15 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I can\PYZsq{}t prove it but it is what I believe \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:12:25 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }okay, so leave and see what happens \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:12:31 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i agree actually \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:12:49 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}qa has gone far down in quality recently \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:05 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZdq{}recently\PYZdq{} is an understatement \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:13 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yesterday \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:13 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }https://lainsafe.kalli.st/files/161707394394083.jpg \PYZlt{} top image is anonymous communities, bottom image are sekrit clubs \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }VERY down recently \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }feeling low quality all of a sudden \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i wonder why \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}qa quality has dropped a long time ago anyways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:13:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }dont care \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:04 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i neber feel loik low quality wen I poast here! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:20 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }remember when \PYZsh{}qa was just the rizonbros \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:32 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }a new rizonbro has entered \PYZsh{}qa \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }anyways, i saw this on pixiv and thought it was really cute, and wanted everyone to look at it, but you made me reply to your dumb stupid thoughts that are dumb and bad, but anyways here it is: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85755351 \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }guess who \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}\PYZsh{}艦隊これくしょん 朝潮ちゃんと司令官さん \PYZhy{} 社ちょのイラスト \PYZhy{} pixiv\PYZgt{} @ kissu.moe \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }who? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:14:53 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you know who \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:15:25 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what? that doesn\PYZsq{}t make sense rizon guy, this channel existed before rizon and I bet theres some old users who never bothered jumping to rizon. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:15:26 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }see it doesn\PYZsq{}t make a difference that the rizonbros got outnumbered by new blood \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:15:35 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:15:43 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }https://kissu.moe/ec/thread/634\PYZsh{}ec\PYZhy{}2288 \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:15:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}/ec/ \PYZhy{} kissu | Kissu.moe\PYZgt{} @ kissu.moe \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:15:53 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }anonymous communities would still fall even if there was never any new blood \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:15:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }is new blood always low quality \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:16:04 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }not exactly \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:16:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it depends on who comes \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:16:12 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }shut up hemophiliacs!!! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:16:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i want to find out the secret to attracting high quality \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:16:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you don\PYZsq{}t \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:16:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }money \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:16:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }done \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you don\PYZsq{}t attract low quality \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }done \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }these are horrible times we are living in \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i want atechan back \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:26 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }he was better than the new boring people \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:30 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }the new generation is attracted to being the most ironic \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that\PYZsq{}s how they have fun \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }now look at what happened \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:51 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:53 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you induce multiple personality disorder in yourself and make a bunch of posts you think are high quality but seem to be distinct users \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:17:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }to imageboards (and IRC) \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:18:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }done \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:18:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i\PYZsq{}ve rejected irony a few years ago. it\PYZsq{}s very relieving. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:18:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i already have done that and \PYZsh{}jp isn\PYZsq{}t at all better off for it \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:18:28 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }4chan is full of low quality ironic posts, sageru is full of low quality ironic posts, other places are graveyards \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:18:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i still don\PYZsq{}t get what people mean by irony. if you mean sarcasm, say sarcasm damnit! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:18:58 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nope it\PYZsq{}s not sarcasm \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }then what the hell is it!! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s low quality irony \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what the heck does that mean!? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }low quality irony \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }self explanatory \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:29 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i don\PYZsq{}t get it at all \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:31 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }pretending to be retarded \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZca{}this \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that\PYZsq{}s not ironic \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:19:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }a few years ago \PYZlt{} i\PYZsq{}m glad i stopped being ironic when it was uncalled for at least 4 years ago \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:20:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }being ironic is a spectrum \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:21:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }Please be patient, I have Irony. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:21:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }zgag is a graveyard in many ways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:21:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i don \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:21:25 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i don\PYZsq{} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:21:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }ahhhhh can\PYZsq{}t \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:21:50 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I think the real secret to attracting quality is creating quality content yourself \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:22:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZca{}i agree, see the MPD joke earlier \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:22:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZgt{}infinite space for the ds \PYZlt{}great game and great story, though gameplay got kind of repetitive for me \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:22:49 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it has /v/ teens schizoposting 24/7, it has those spammers inhabiting the second popular board there, it has those fake /jp/ teens using their board as a dumping ground while they party in their discord sekret club \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:22:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }the ds has a lot of great games, same for the psp. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:23:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what else does it have? nothing else \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:23:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nothing else is interesting \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:23:43 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }there\PYZsq{}s a /jp/ discord? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:23:43 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }basted teens bringing the meta \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yeah but they\PYZsq{}re steam groups actually \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }there\PYZsq{}s a /jp/ discord? \PYZlt{} there\PYZsq{}s that precure one, but that\PYZsq{}s not what they\PYZsq{}re referring to. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:08 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I don\PYZsq{}t see why you\PYZsq{}d bother talking about 8gag and its derivatives \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:16 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }because those zgag teens are here \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:22 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and i need to call them out \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i saw a jp on matrix but it was dead \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:33 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }tell them to pay the rent \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I doubt they are, at least in any significant number. it\PYZsq{}s like oil and water \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:24:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }shut up \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i need to call them out \PYZlt{} sounds like ur trying to instigate arguments with them \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }zgaggers of the world! get out of my sageru! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:04 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what if you add an emulsifier to the mix \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I think you\PYZsq{}re repeatedly bringing up the name so people will talk about them when otherwise no one would \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }im instigate \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }im instigate \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }fuck yeah im instigate \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }instigate instigate instigate \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }oh yeah \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }instigate pissssss instigate \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }hell yeah fucking instigate \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }oh yeah fucking pissssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssss \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:25:59 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }ssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSS \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:26:04 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }SsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssss \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:26:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }maybe i am getting a little too far... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:26:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }gomen gomen \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:27:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }maybe meltingwax should gline me for a while... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:27:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }wait wait wait. are there any ascii characters that can do like on the C64 where you can use only a few characters and make cool wavey patterns, if you\PYZsq{}re going to spam, do something artistic like that next time \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:28:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that\PYZsq{}s probably highly dependent on what font someone is viewing the stuff with and what width the characters are \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }err width of the lines \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:20 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }anyways my point is \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:32 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }anonymous communities will die out completely soon \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }maybe go back underground \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }with a few schizos \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i guess so. turns out it was more than a few characters, but still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yKwJJw6Abs \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }C64 one\PYZhy{}liner, wave \PYZdq{}animation\PYZdq{} ;\PYZhy{}) [JuhuTuubi] @ kissu.moe \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:29:47 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and nothing really happens at that point \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:30:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I don\PYZsq{}t think so, and god why does everyone say \PYZsq{}schizo\PYZsq{} now \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:30:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }while micro communities AKA sekrit clubs will rise up and take the spot \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:30:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }who wants to join my underground? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:31:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }gone are the days of anonymity \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:31:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }namedrops happen very often here anyways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:31:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }send me a resume and I\PYZsq{}ll consider joining your underground. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:31:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }oh and i might namedrop lots of names this time if i really do feel like it \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:32:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZgt{}namedrops happen very often here anyways \PYZlt{}I\PYZsq{}ve been trying to get that reduced, it\PYZsq{}s a primary channel and not a secondary one \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:32:04 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nvm \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:32:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }was jesting \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:32:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i wouldn\PYZsq{}t stoop so low \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:32:35 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }gone are the days of anonymity \PYZlt{} you should start a partisan revolutionary group that operates out of the sewer system in paris \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:33:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }paris seems like the most hopeless place to mount any resistance. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:33:09 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}qa still feels like \PYZsh{}jp 2.0 though \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:33:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }perfect, then \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:33:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:34:31 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }do you think conformity is more of an issue or there\PYZsq{}s a lack of it in imageboards? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:35:01 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }conformity indeed happens on imageboards \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:35:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s an inevitability, though athread for it would be better than an irc chat \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:35:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s pretty bad over at 8gag \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:35:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that\PYZsq{}s why it\PYZsq{}s too fractured \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:35:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }conservation alone always means stagnation \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:36:28 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }wow its hard to follow anonymous conversations when youre not actively participating \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:36:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i don\PYZsq{}t even want to think about what each 8gag board does \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:36:50 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }instead of trying to repell low quality we need an a strong offense of high quality. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:36:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }too much to think \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:36:59 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }why do you keep talking ablut 8gag we dont care \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:37:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }some care about 8gag i assume \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:37:30 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }maybe it\PYZsq{}s on purpose for ulterior motives. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:37:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:37:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no one cared this much a couple weeks ago \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }fine... it was one lone teen that brought up 8gag constantly weeks ago \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }set the catalyst for that 8gag board to come here \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:28 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop talking about 8gag \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }guess who it is \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }wait nvm \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:43 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }who? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i forget about no namedropping \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:47 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }woops \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:38:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }Nanachi \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:39:27 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:39:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what can you do today yourself to improve the communities you\PYZsq{}re part of \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:39:50 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nnaa how do you know!? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:40:20 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:40:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }anyways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:41:02 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i\PYZsq{}m not with those 8gag teens that pretend to be a /jp/ spinoff \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:41:11 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:41:16 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }they just happened to come here all of a sudden some time after i came \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:41:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what can you do today yourself to improve the communities you\PYZsq{}re part of \PYZlt{} stop swearing. i think this is a pretty simple thing, but it improves places considerably. at the very least, the best places tend to be those that don\PYZsq{}t swear very often \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:41:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }okay, let\PYZsq{}s stop talking about people and talk about things instead \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:41:59 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }kissu \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }or if you want to talk about real meta stuff do it on kissu where you can type paragraphs and stuff \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nah irc is better to talk about real meta stuff \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }imageboards are shit when it comes to that \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:35 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }irc echo chambers ftw \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }even meguca \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i want to read manga on my tablet but it sucks to look things up in japanese \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }even an irc\PYZhy{}like imageboard sucks \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }irc sucks \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }full irc is the only way \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:42:57 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop swearing. \PYZlt{} cant wait to see whats next for \PYZsh{}qa im laughing my ass off \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:02 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you have to talk about the same thing with everyone \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }wahh wahh! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:20 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }waahh!!! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }there\PYZsq{}s no way to have parallel conversations on irc \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:24 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yeah no \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }go away zgag teens \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop talking about 8gag \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:50 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop swearing. i think this is a pretty simple thing, but it improves places considerably. at the very least, the best places tend to be those that don\PYZsq{}t swear very often \PYZlt{} that\PYZsq{}s a good point but I think more important than anything else is honesty, but honesty not just in the sense of not lying, but not using fake personas and actually participating with genuine personality. that\PYZsq{}s what makes a \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:43:50 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }community authentic. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:44:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop talking about \PYZsq{}teens\PYZsq{} all the time its embarrassing \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:44:13 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{Anonymous has changed the topic to: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88798275 |ヽ(∀° )人( °∀)ノ| https://files.catbox.moe/38hzbn.jpg | charm\PYZti{}} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:44:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop talking about people \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:44:24 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }im removing myself from the topic... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:44:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }we are not middle school girls \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:44:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }we do not gossip \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:44:47 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }there\PYZsq{}s no way to have parallel conversations on irc \PYZlt{} you can just read everything and organize conversation threads in your mind \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }there is though \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:29 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }see how \PYZsh{}qa is \PYZsh{}jp 2.0? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:33 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }wish I were a middle school girl \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }do it on kissu where you can type paragraphs and stuff \PYZlt{} nothing can stop my verbosity! i will write sentences upon sentences, paragraphs upon paragraphs! regularly i type past the character limit, forcing my monologues onto new lines. i type so much, i often completely miss conversations because of how much i type. i\PYZsq{}m also pretty average at typing, so i\PYZsq{}m not helped by the fact that there are so many \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }speed typists online. regardless! i will type and type, and there\PYZsq{}s nothing you can do to make me type any less or anywhere other than where i want to, and right now i want to type right here. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:43 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yeah. that\PYZsq{}s what you have to do when having in person conversations with 4+ people \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:45:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it was like this even before I came to \PYZsh{}qa after months of being away \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }like what? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:05 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }like \PYZsh{}jp 2.0 \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }the fuck \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }people are just talking like people \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:22 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nothing can stop .... \PYZlt{} tl;dr \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }yeah and you can\PYZsq{}t deny that fact \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:32 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }give a real complaint instead of \PYZdq{}\PYZsh{}jp 2.0\PYZdq{} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }ok \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }low quality cesspool \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:50 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }define low quality cesspool \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }but with less buzzwords \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:46:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop complaining \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:47:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }so you have the namedropping and shitty meta nobody cares about \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:47:37 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }operator\PYZhy{}san is not even doing anything now! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:47:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }how do you suppose we fix this \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:47:43 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }namedropping is addressed, shitty meta was addressed. now you\PYZsq{}re just going to complain for an hour? no \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:47:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i dont get why people get so fixed on things, i come here and talk its that simple if its something i dont care about i do something else \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:48:18 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:48:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }we analyze the problem first. what is quality to you? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:48:27 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:48:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i will explain once i get myself a drink \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:48:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i\PYZsq{}m getting a little too dehydrated \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:49:43 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:49:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i dont get why people get so fixed on things \PYZlt{} posting on the internet is a willful sentence of death by a thousand cuts. it\PYZsq{}s not necessarily that any one thing initially bothers a person, but that seemingly minor things build up over time, until they start really bothering someone, eventually making them quite angry. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:50:21 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{47\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:52:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }back \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:52:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }maybe i am getting a little too schizophrenic \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:52:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and just throw out whatever without thinking \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:53:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }so i can\PYZsq{}t define quality right now \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:53:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }be honest you are just bored \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:54:00 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }ok fine \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:54:04 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }im just a bored autistic teen \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:54:18 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }schizophrenia doesn\PYZsq{}t have anything to do with this \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:54:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s just some low effort label that is thrown around nowadays \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:54:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }quality for me means, authentic, creative, well crafted and tasteful \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:55:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i cant think well anyways \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:55:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }my brain is too fried \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:55:35 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }so i wouldn\PYZsq{}t be able to define quality for now \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:55:38 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }that\PYZsq{}s fine, you don\PYZsq{}t have to define quality. simply say what you actually want. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:55:51 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i forgot what i want to say \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:56:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }everyone who I\PYZsq{}ve called a schizo ended up actually being one through later private admissions \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:56:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }dunno how often it\PYZsq{}s used in your sphere \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:56:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }only one friend calls me a schizo sometimes \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:57:15 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what\PYZsq{}s a private admission? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:57:27 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }Actually saying \PYZdq{}i\PYZsq{}m diagnosed schizophrenic\PYZdq{} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:57:30 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }just cut your losses and stop here \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:57:30 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }bleh, how hard is it to not talk about people. TALK ABOUT THINGS \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:57:32 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }a private conversation or to use your lingo \PYZdq{}a dm\PYZdq{} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:57:35 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what;s the point of your quality if its completely unfunny? i only come on the internet to laugh \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:57:57 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }fun is a quality \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no its not fun \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i cant laugh \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }talking about people is more interesting and generates more discussion than things apparently \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:19 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }sorry bleh\PYZhy{}san \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:24 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you\PYZsq{}d be able to laugh if you had quality \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }read grapes of wrath, it\PYZsq{}s a good book, and will undoubtedly teach you a bit of history \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop talking about the people in your \PYZdq{}sphere\PYZdq{}, this is \PYZsh{}qa and not whatever dump you came from \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:58:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }not him but, you only come to the internet for comedy? I enjoy cool things, disgust and sadness from the internet along side comedy. if i only saw comedy my comedy sensors would fry in my brain \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZca{}hasnt laughed in years \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:22 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }talking about people is more interesting and generates more discussion than things apparently \PYZlt{} I think that\PYZsq{}s related to a drop in testosterone and increase in estrogen of the average user \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }not true, i laugh at least 5 hours ago \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i go on nonspecific communities to laugh \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }meta in \PYZgt{} https://kissu.moe/qa/thread/68945 \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZlt{}/qa/ \PYZhy{} I think for all.. | Kissu.moe\PYZgt{} @ kissu.moe \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:47 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }if i wanted discussion or content i go elsewhere simple as \PY{c+cp}{Mar 29 23:59:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I can\PYZsq{}t laugh alone very often \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:00:06 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop having fun \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:00:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }hey... i don\PYZsq{}t have that much estrogen in me \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:00:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I think that\PYZsq{}s related to a drop in testosterone and increase in estrogen of the average user \PYZlt{} eh? how could the proportion of estrogen to testosterone get worse in the first place, i though we were all girls here... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:00:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop bringing testosterone and estrogen into this \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:00:46 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i\PYZsq{}m not alone am i... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:01:10 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }stop talking \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:01:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }this reply chain reminds me of 4/qa/\PYZsq{}s shittyness \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:01:31 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }enough with this low quality garbage. I\PYZsq{}m going to start handing out bans \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:01:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I think that\PYZsq{}s related to a drop in testosterone and increase in estrogen of the average user \PYZlt{} its not as girly as being whiny quality police \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:02:03 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i laughed \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:02:15 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:02:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }where else can this be talked about? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:02:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}jp \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:02:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }make a thread about it \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:02:55 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no it would drown out quickly \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:02 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }imageboards are horrible for that kind of discussion \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZca{} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }talk about what in the first place \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }instant messaging works better \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:25 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you just don\PYZsq{}t want to use imageboards to discuss things because you want instant dopamine hits \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:32 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }just start a discord and post wojack edits \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:35 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }holy... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:42 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i came here to avoid wojaks \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:47 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i came here to avoid pepes \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i came here to avoid garbage image macros \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:03:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i came here to avoid thinking before writing \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:11 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }literally a jp spinoff poster \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:13 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }you people are no fun. you talk about this boring meta junk all day, and complain and ponder about useless things and when someone has anything remotely interesting to say it gets glossed over for hours at a time until someone actually bothers to go back in their log to see if today was anything other than another garbage day of arguing and acussation throwing at who? No one! i don\PYZsq{}t get it! why?! i hate \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:13 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }all of this so much, and yet it goes on and on and on, and it never stops... \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:33 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }sorry about that, I\PYZsq{}ll be more proactive with bans.. \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:36 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what do you wanna talk about \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }the quiz is in, you\PYZsq{}re a Hima poster \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }anime girls? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:04:44 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }nobody uses \PYZsh{}qajp \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:05:11 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 44\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:05:29 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }is that a real channlel or is it empty? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:05:38 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{44\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:05:39 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }it\PYZsq{}s registered \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:05:46 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:05:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }register all the channels with a bot \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:07 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }come on bleh\PYZhy{}san, let us talk a little longer \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:14 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}jp is unsuitable for this kind of discussion \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:24 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }\PYZsh{}jp is dead right now \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:26 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what do you wanna talk about \PYZlt{} i want to go to sleep and not think about this stupid productivity\PYZhy{}syphoning irc channel ever again. i hate all of you \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:28 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }go talk about it there \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:28 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }no, it\PYZsq{}s low quality garbage that only instigates conflict \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:37 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:06:54 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }irc is only good when everyone is on the same page, as soon as some other people join it\PYZsq{}s chaotic \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:09 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }imageboards are more flexible \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:17 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i want to say something but i might get bannu\PYZsq{}d all of a sudden \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i notice a lot of destructive thought patterns. instead of focusing on low quality try to think of ways to improve things \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:23 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }and never get to finish what i was saying \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:25 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }spit it out \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:29 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }in one sentence \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:40 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }who are the ban threats even directed at? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:47 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }at yotgo \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }all me \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:07:52 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i want to go to sleep and not think about this stupid productivity\PYZhy{}syphoning irc channel ever again. i hate all of you \PYZlt{} what\PYZsq{}s stopping you from doing so? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:05 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what\PYZsq{}s stopping you from sleeping forever? \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:07 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:21 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }The hope that this place gets better for once and there\PYZsq{}s not this stupid talk for once! \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }why don\PYZsq{}t you try to change the subject then \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:34 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }what\PYZsq{}s stopping you from sleeping forever? \PYZlt{} not having any fentanyl \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:41 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }too boring \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:44 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{46\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users is now known as 45\PYZus{}other\PYZus{}users} \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:45 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }spam the channel until we talk about something else \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:48 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i need DOPAMINE HITS \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:56 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }I NEED ENDLESS SUPPLY OF DOPAMINE \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:58 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }i accept criticism. what kind of talk do you want to see and what kind of talk do you want to see disappear \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:08:58 }\PY{n+nt}{\PYZlt{}Anonymous\PYZgt{} }smoke crack \PY{c+cp}{Mar 30 00:09:09 }\PY{k}{\PYZhy{}\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+s}{\PYZhy{} }\PY{c}{You have been kicked from \PYZsh{}qa by Anonymous (fight the power somewhere else)} \PY{k}{***}\PY{l+s}{* }\PY{c}{ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Mar 30 00:09:08 2021} \end{Verbatim}